Under Minnesota law, SEX CRIMES cover a wide array of crimes, ranging from criminal sexual contact to trafficking to prostitution, and more. Due to the seriousness of these crimes and its punishments, it is absolutely crucial that you reach out to a competent lawyer to best understand and defend your rights as well as figuring out your next steps. Contact us today at 651-364-1508 to learn more about how we can help.
Criminal Sexual Conduct
In Minnesota, there are five degrees to CRIMINAL SEXUAL CONDUCT (CSC):
Fifth-degree CSC
A person is guilty of this crime if they engage in nonconsensual sexual contact or engage in inappropriate behavior in the presence of a minor under 16 years old, knowing or having reason to know that they were present. This is a gross misdemeanor, carrying a sentence to imprisonment for no more than 1 year and/or to payment of a fine no more than $3,000. This can be raised to a felony, with a sentence to imprisonment for up to 7 years and/or to payment of a fine of no more than $14,000, if the defendant has a prior history with CSC, according to MN Statute 609.3451.
Fourth-degree CSC
A person convicted of fourth-degree CSC, which is a felony offense, may be sentenced to imprisonment for no more than 10 years and/or to payment of a fine no more than $20,000. There are several circumstances outlining fourth-degree CSC under MN Statute 609.345, and a person is guilty if they partake in any of these.
Third-degree CSC
To be convicted of third-degree CSC is to be guilty of engaging in sexual conduct with another person and under certain circumstances, as outlined under MN Statute 609.344. Third-degree CSC carries a sentencing to imprisonment of up to 15 years and/or to payment of a fine no more than $30,000. If the defendant was between 24 and 48 months older than the complainant, then the sentence to imprisonment is for no more than 5 years.
Second-degree CSC
Second-degree CSC involves engaging in sexual conduct with another person along with any of the circumstances outlined in MN Statute 609.343. If convicted, the defendant can face up to 25 years in prison and/or a fine of no more than $35,000.
First-degree CSC
Lastly, CSC in the first-degree is another felony and involves a person engaging in sexual conduct with another person, or any sexual contact with a person under 13 years of age, with any of the circumstances outlined in MN Statute 609.342. If convicted, you may be sentenced to no more than 30 years in prison and/or to a payment of a fine of no more than $40,000.
Labor/Sex Trafficking and Prostitution
Labor Trafficking
LABOR TRAFFICKING, according to MN Statute 609.281, means using or transporting a person by any means for the purposes of debt bondage or forced labor, slavery or practices similar to slavery, or the removal of organs through use of coercion or intimidation. It also means receiving any profit or anything of value from it, and knowing or having reason to know that it came from labor trafficking.
Engaging in labor trafficking of an individual under the age of 18 years old carries a sentencing of up to 20 years in prison and/or to payment of a fine of up to $40,000. If the trafficked individual is over the age of 18, the sentence to imprisonment is for no more than 15 years and/or to payment of a fine no more than $30,000.
Sex Trafficking/Prostitution
SEX TRAFFICKING, according to MN Statute 609.321, means to use or transport an individual by any means for the purposes of prostitution, as well as to receive profit or anything of value as a result. PROSTITUTION is defined as hiring or being hired to engage in sexual acts.
There are two degrees to sex trafficking:
- For first-degree, whoever intentionally solicits, promotes, receives profit, or engages in the sex trafficking or prostitution of an individual under 18 years of age. This carries a sentence of no more than 20 years in prison and/or to payment of a fine no more than $50,000. Aggravating factors, such as if the offender has a prior history with human trafficking or if the offense involved more than one victim, can raise the prison sentence up to 25 years and/or the fine up to $60,000.
- Sex trafficking in the second-degree concerns individuals who are over the age of 18 years old, and to be convicted means that you can face up to 15 years in prison and/or to payment of a fine no more than $40,000.
What should I do?
Contact us at 651-364-1508 to see how we can help with your case.