FORGERY is a white-collar crime that involves producing a copy or imitation of a document, such as a signature, contracts, bank note, work of art, etc., with the intention to commit fraud against an individual. Similarly, AGGRAVATED FORGERY is producing a copy or imitation of a valuable document in order to defraud an In the state of Minnesota, forgery is considered to be a serious crime and generally treated as a felony offense. Contact us today at 651-364-1508 to learn how we can help you.
Forgery and related crimes
Under Minnesota law, forgery includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- false writing for the purposes of identification or recommendation, (MN Statute 609.63.1)
- counterfeit checks and other currency, (MN Statute 609.631)
- fraudulent drivers’ licenses and other identification cards, (MN Statute 609.652)*
- altering or counterfeiting state lottery tickets, (MN Statute 609.651)
- documents that grant legal rights, such as official seals, badges, and other identification, (MN Statute 609.625.1)
- possessing instruments that can be/have been used to create such forgeries. (MN Statute 609.64)
*While forging a fake driver’s license is considered a gross misdemeanor for the first offense, repeated offenses will raise it to a felony charge.
Forgery and Aggravated Forgery are both considered to be felony-level offenses. Generally speaking:
- Forgery carries a sentence to imprisonment of up to 3 to 5 years and/or to payment of a fine no more than $5,000
- Aggravated Forgery carries a sentence to imprisonment no more than 10 years and/or to payment of a fine no more than $20,000.
What should I do?
One important thing to consider in these types of cases is the intent, and having an attorney that is experienced in handling federal crimes cases can make all the difference for you. Contact us at 651-364-1508 to see how we can help with your case.